Monday, 25 June 2007


KESARI pooh-poohs Mathrubhumi findings6/24/2006 5:02:04 AM HK correspondent
In one of the most beautiful and informative editorials ever appeared in Malayalam language, “KESARI”, the official organ of Rashrtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), has exposed the ulterior motives and the worthlessness behind the series of articles published recently in Mathrubhumi, which claims itself to be a national daily. In an editorial in the June 18th issue, KESARI has termed the Mathrubhumi reports as nothing but pulp journalism which were published with the sole aim of discrediting and tarnishing the images of senior pracharaks who are respected all over for their selfless and sincere service. “Mathrubhumi’s effort was to sensationalize some of the minute issues of various organizations functioning under the guidance and leadership of RSS. That too have been done by projecting the facts in a distorted manner,” said the editorial. KESARI has pointed out that the Mathrubhumi articles have been prepared without undertaking any studies about the functioning of the Sangh and other family organizations. “Though the Hindus constitute only a nominal majority in Kerala, they do not have an organization which provides them hope and trust. It was in this backdrop that the RSS and related organizations started functioning in the state since 1942. Over the last six decades the Hindu unity has become a strong reality in the state,” KESARI said in its editorial.

KESARI, a widely venerated weekly in Malayalam, has made it clear that while all criticism and analysis based on objective news and facts are welcome. “Criticism should be creative nature. Otherwise it will end up as an attempt to create misunderstanding and wrong information among the people,” the weekly remarked. It also said that the contemporary media do not follow any values or ethics while coming out with criticism or news. “Most of the mainline media project incomplete, biased and distorted facts reminiscent of unilateral pre-emptive attacks. The Mathrubhumi articles are an ideal proof of such tendencies,” said KESARI in it’s editorial.

The weekly has remarked that even if there was some iota of truth in the Mathrubhumi reports, there was nothing unusual in it. “Any organizations and institutions functioning in the society face a lot of problems and issues in their day-to-day works. It is a natural phenomenon. There are three kinds of challenges and issues faced by such organizations. The process of leading the college of individuals entrusted with the task of executing the responsibilities, the administration of the physical materials associated with such entities and the issues emanating from the social milieu of such institutions are the three most important challenges. And there are no organizations or institutions in this universe which do not face these problems,” KESARI said in its editorial. It also said claims by any organizations or institutions that they do not have any problems is nothing but a white lie.

The success of all organizations depends on their abilities and strength to sort out the issues and progress smoothly. “An organization becomes a major problem when it fails to sort out its internal issues by itself. “Ethics demand that no one should interfere in the internal issues of any institutions or organizations till such interferences are solicited for,” KESARI points out.

The attempts by Mathrubhumi to insult, humiliate and tarnish the personalities is not good journalism but a violation of all norms associated with media ethics. “The hallmark of the Mathrubhumi articles is nothing other than slander. This is yet another proof of the fall in standard of the Mathrubhumi daily,” said KESARI.

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